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How To List All Installed Packages In Linux

Image of a terminal prompt

Quick howto: List all installed packages in Linux

In today’s quick ‘just the examples’ howto, we show you how to find out what packages are installed on your Linux system with one simple command. Depending upon what distribution of Linux you have, you will use a specific packaging type and/or tool. Here’s a list of the tools you can use and which distribution(s) they are available in:

Here are the examples you need:

RPM: $ rpm -qa --last
RedHat / CentOS: $ dnf list installed
OpenSuSE: $ zypper se --installed-only
Arch: $ pacman -Q
Debian / Ubuntu via DPKG: $ dpkg -l
Debian / Ubuntu via APT: $ apt list --installed


Don’t forget, you can redirect the output of any of these commands to a text file, for later perusal. To do that, simply type the command, followed by > filename.txt, eg: apt list –installed > packagelist.txt
Thanks goes to 2daygeek for inspiring this post. Check out a much more in depth article over at 2daygeek to see the ins and outs of this subject.
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