I have used RSS on-again and off-again for many years. It’s a great way to aggregate the news you want to read, from sources all over the web. The problem with it, for me, has always been based on the client. Generally, the user experience and design of them has always been a bit clunky; despite there being tons of them out there.
Also, finding that elusive client that ticks all the boxes, and works for my favourite operating system, seems to be a bit of a unicorn! Readers like FeedReader, Liferea and RSSOwl are alternatives to this new kid on the block.
finding that elusive client that ticks all the boxes, and works for my favourite operating system, seems to be a bit of a unicorn!
The biggest problem with Raven right now is that there’s no integration with cloud-based RSS services like Feedly. There are no cross-device sync options and there are no mobile options.
You can download Raven from the GitHub website here. The project is still in it’s infancy (version 0.38) at the time of writing, but it’s being worked on constantly, so I’d expect it to become mainstream pretty soon.
For a full review of Raven, check out OMGUbuntu’s review here.