
Linux: What is it?

Since 2001, The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide has been helping individuals switch to the Linux Operating System. This guide can help both beginners and seasoned computer users alike learn all the important parts of choosing, using and installing Linux, a great free operating system for your computer and help you remove dependency on non-free, closed source software that is commonplace in Microsoft Windows or Mac OS.

Throughout the guide, you’ll find out why Linux offers a real alternative to other operating systems, how you can install Linux on to your computer for free, and how to get to grips with using Linux on a daily basis without any techno jargon!

On the website we also have an up to date blog with different sections including Quick Tips and Examples, In-Depth Tutorials, Video Guides, and even a more advanced Sys Admin section for when you want to start with Linux in a career! Please do head over to to check out all of the latest content!

I hope that the Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide helps you into a new world of freedom when using your computer and hopefully makes you smile along the way!

Alistair J. Ross, January 2019.