Howto: What is Git and Github? How do I use it and why should I care?

Git Logo

Git was made by Linus Torvalds in 2005, originally as version control software to better enable contributors to upload code to the Linux kernel. Git is a version control system. Sometimes referred to as an SCM […]

How to set the default terminal (or window manager, browser, and much more) in Linux

How to update the default application for web browser, terminal and more - update-alternatives

Ever wondered how your Linux system chooses the default Terminal Emulator, web browser, window manager, text editor, particular version of an app (eg, php5 vs 7/python2.7 vs 3)? Wonder no more! Change the default app […]

What is Docker (and Linux containers?)

A while ago, around the release of the Linux kernel version 3, the concept of namespaces and containerization was introduced through a module called lxc (Linux containers). The idea behind a container is sort of […]